The Children’s Literacy Gala
Saturday, May 3, 2025 at 6:00 pm
on the Tabor Stage
The annual Gala performance will be ten months in the making and designed to raise over $200,000 to support this year’s expansive Engagement efforts in the Memphis V.A. Hospital, Juvenile Justice system, and all Shelby County area schools. Enjoy a chaptered culinary journey, open bars, fun auctions, a one-time-only performance, and the third annual Teacher of the Year Award (selected from teachers within Shelby County who activate Shakespeare’s stories in their classrooms).
The Children’s Literacy Gala single tickets are $150 and can be purchased here, with 8-ticket Platinum/6-ticket Gold/4-ticket Silver Table Sponsorships available with tiered benefits. Early Bird single tickets at $125 are available through April 1, 2025. Please contact Stephanie Shine for details at (901) 759-0604.
- Eight of the best reserved seats in the theatre for the performance and Teacher of the Year Award ceremony;
- Reserved dining table with open bars;
- Recognition in our event program, posters, social media, and from the stage that night;
- Multi-station buffet journey and dessert;
- Partial tax-deductible gift to TSC.
- Six of the “Second Best” seats in the theatre for the performance and Teacher of the Year Award ceremony, after Platinum sponsors;
- Reserved table for Sponsor and guests;
- Recognition in our event program, posters, social media, and from the stage that night;
- Multi-station buffet journey, dessert, and multiple open bars;
- Partial tax-deductible gift to TSC.
- Four seats in the theatre for the performance and Teacher of the Year Award ceremony, after Platinum and Gold Sponsors;
- Multi-station buffet journey, dessert, and multiple open bars;
- Reserved table for Sponsor and guests;
- Partial tax-deductible gift to TSC.

Thank you to our 160 guests at the 2024 Children’s Literacy Gala! We raised $200,000 for our Education and Outreach Program in Season 17!