Twelfth Night
a holiday tradition
by William Shakespeare
directed by Stephanie Shine
on the Tabor Stage
December 6-22
Fridays-Saturdays at 7:30 pm
Sundays at 3:00 pm
Preview is December 6
generously sponsored by Anne and Mike Keeney
Join director Stephanie Shine for a free discussion about Twelfth Night on Sunday, December 8 after our 3:00 pm performance or on Saturday, December 14 at 7:00 pm before our 7:30 pm performance!
‘Tis the season for Shakespeare’s most charming comedy cast in a topsy-turvy world of cross-dressing lovers, yellow cross-garters, and crossed identities. Shipwrecked on the shores of Illyria, Viola has lost her country and beloved twin brother. Disguising herself as Cesario, a boy page, she falls in love with Duke Orsino even as she delivers his affections to the lovely Lady Olivia. Between beautiful songs, high comedy, and delicate poetry, love redeems all.