TSC’s Volunteer Organization
I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks; and ever thanks;”
– Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare
What would it take to get YOU to volunteer?
Free tickets? Maybe.
Invitations to special events? Getting warmer…
Making a personal impact on your community, schools, and state? That’s the winner!
We invite you to learn more about our volunteer organization and consider joining this beloved team of people as we strive to bring William Shakespeare’s work and the arts into Memphis schools, businesses, and neighborhoods.
Read more below to see if our company is the right fit for you!

The Mission
Our volunteer group is dedicated to the year-round promotion, support, and encouragement of Tennessee Shakespeare Company’s not-for-profit professional theatre and education programming in the Mid-South.
The Values
We believe:
- That artistic expression uplifts the human spirit;
- That innovation and creativity are a natural unfolding in every individual at every age;
- In exploring, enjoying, and protecting our natural environment;
- In leading productive lives in our community;
- In extending kindness, helpfulness, and enthusiasm;
- That personal responsibility and respect for others are integral to pursuing a common goal;
- In open, honest, and regular communication.
Please contact Parker Chase at parkerchase@tnshakespeare.org if you are interested in volunteering with us!